1. meet,usu. by accident(偶然)遇見
In the woods, he met with two strangers. 在樹林裡他遇上了兩個陌生人。
I met with an old friend at the meeting. 我在會上碰到了一個老朋友。
2. meet together,usu. by plan (按計劃)約見
The two scouts went to meet with the officers to talk about plans for the march. 兩位偵察員前去會見軍官,討論行軍計劃。
I met with him at the bus stop and together we went to dine at a restaurant. 我和他在汽車站碰頭,然後一起去飯館吃飯。
3. experience經歷;遭受
The farmer met with misfortune;storm. 這位農場主遭受了不幸,他的莊稼被一場暴風雨毀了。
On every battle field the enemy met with defeat. 敵軍在各個戰場上都吃了敗仗。
4. agree with;be in accord with 符合(某種意見);獲得(同意)
The suggestion met with unanimous approval. 該項建議獲得一致通過。
The plan you submitted seems to meet with the committee's ideas on the subject. 你提出的計劃似乎符合委員會對這個問題的主張。